Why did you choose the AURA PACK?

- It has a substanitial track record in Japan, and the test results were good.
- It successfully defended against loss of freshness during transport.
- Compared to previous products, it is highly effective in maintaining freshness, and we determined that it would enable us to get fresher vegetables to consumers.

How did you get to know about the AURA PACK?

- We were told by others in the business that it was highly effective in maintaining freshness.
- Knew by seeing it at a trade show.
- Used it after seeing it being brought in by a domestic supermarket.

What problems did you have before before switching to the AURA PACK?

- We were thinging about how to add some kind of value to products to increase sales.
- We wanted to raise sales by addressing freshness protection during transport and the loss of product tied to that.
- We were concerned about decay, odor, mold, wilting, discoloration, etc.

Please tell us your results and impressions after switching to the AURA PACK.

- There was a sigificant improvement in terms of loss on freshness.
- People better understood that we place an emphasis on freshness, and business increased. - We are happy to be able to get fresh fruit and vegetables to the consumer.

What roles do you feel the AURA PACK can perform?

- In using this modern packing material, it is possible to help protect the environment by supporting food safety and security and protecting against waste.
- Pursuing and promoting satisfaction among producsers, retailers, and consumers through fruit and vegetables packing.